Abstract: Recently, a set of significant new concepts and tools have evolved into a new technology that makes it possible to attack the problem of providing all the key people in the enterprise with access to whatever level of information needed for the enterprise to survive and prosper in an increasingly competitive world. The term that has come to characterize this new technology is “Data Warehousing” The problem of getting combined and generalized information fast from an active enterprise database becomes actual having its data been accumulated for some years. The classical reports even if optimized for particular purposes do not let one obtain fast the enterprise information with differently data-dependent views. The problem is proper to absolutely all the systems that accumulate large data volumes of information for further processing. To solve the problem is the destiny of the OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) technology. The technology nowadays acquiring more and more popularity is assigned to be active and operative handle for multidimensional data and Knowledge Discovery is defined as “the non-trivial extraction of implicit, unknown, and potentially useful information from data''. This paper shows the role of OLAP Technology in Data Warehousing for Knowledge Discovery.

Keywords: Data Warehousing, OLAP Technology, Knowledge Discovery, Multidimensional Data.